Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bored no More!

Me and my siblings like to color. And when I decided to make some magnets for a friend, I found this website. It has a ton on fun things to do such as...

Grand Galloping Gala friendship Bracelets

Rainbow Dash Dress up

FlutterShy dress up

Princess Twilight Sparkle dress  up

And much more!
What sort of things do you like to do?

Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Little Pony Season 4 is Coming out!

I am really exited because I learned the release date of the first episode of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic season 4!

The episodes that are scheduled include:
Season 4 Episodes 1 and 2
Princess Twilight Sparkle part 1
Princess Twilight Sparkle part 2

Season 4 episode 3
 Castle Maneia

Season 4 episode 4
 Daring Don't

Season 4 episode 5
 Flight to the Finish

Season 4 episode 6
 Power Ponies (will be released on the 21st)

More episodes are also coming out soon.
What one do think will be the most exciting?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


I learned about Webkinz from a friend and now I have a little puppy on the website.My puppy's name is pepper10 and she is very sweet!

one of my friends has a pinto horse named MustangHorse10
My house looks like this on the map
 Do you have a Webkinz account?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Learning Zoology!

In my school program I am learning about Zoology and I am currently on ecosystems, and I ad to make a paper on any ecosystem I wanted to so I chose ocean or underwater,
What do you do for science?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are decorating for thanksgiving and my mom suggested a few decorations from DLTK so I looked around and found some and a cute little turkey coloring activity. We are having fun coloring and gluing while watching Chip and Dale! (sorry about the link it's the only one I could find):)
We also found some  My Little Pony Friendship is magic coloring pages, my sibling and I had lots of fun coloring them!

What are you doing this Thanksgiving?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Mystery of the Germs

When you were young your mother probably told you about germs!
Today we used cinnamon to explain to Jeffrey(5), Ellie(3), and Sydney( 1) I had to listen too as part of my school.
 Our mom took cinnamon and sprinkled it on our hands and told us to rub it in GOOD then Jeff,Ellie,and me all took turns watching or touching things to display how germs work.
Then we all washed our hands and Mom told us how to(the right way) and when to wash, Before eating, After we use the bathroom, and after we do "Scientific Experiments."

How did you learn about germs?

How to get a moving picture!

You might notice I have a picture of a flying Rainbow Dash, If you haven't here it is if you have, here it is anyways!
(If I am correct Rainbow is flying after Nightmare Moon in this picture)
 To get your own here are the steps!

                                                                 Step 1
First type in the picture you want and at the end add '.gif' (example: Rainbow Dash'.gif')
                                                                 Step 2
Then find the link you want and  right -click
                                                                  Step 3
Select save image as, then save it as something you will remember and add .gif to the end(example: flyingrainbow.gif)
                                                                 Step 4
Open up whatever you want the picture  (example: and go to your profile page (or whatever else it is for) and select change picture
                                                                 Step 5
Find your picture and select it
                                                               Step 6
Did you find this useful?

Doodlein' DoodleCraft

I was looking for a good picture of RainbowDash for a game I am making in scratch and found this
Make a Daring Do out of a Crystal Rainbow Dash
Well I looked around in the website and found these cool projects!

Pony Necklaces
Button Badges(I LOVE the Cutie Mark Crusaders ones!!!!!!)

Design and draw your own pony

Pinkie pies gala dress!

AND a pony Christmas tree plus much more!

If you like my little ponies you should really check out this website! They have all sorts of fun things for just about anything you could imagine!!!!! What is your favorite project?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Magic Tree House is Back!

This is a picture of Jack and Annie about to go on a Quest for Morgan. (or Merlin, or Teddy and Kathleen)
I love reading the Magic Tree House books, so I was excited when I found out there was an online version of the Tree House! (You can go the website here) I signed up and started, it is almost just like the books! And there are prizes after each quest, a Medallion from Morgan and a Prize from that book! 

My favorite so far is Dragon of the Red Dawn !But that might change after I read Stallion by Starlight

What is your favorite Magic Tree House book?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I love playing chess. And while doing some logic games, I discovered Chess Kid. I love playing chess and every Thursday I play a quick  game of chess. Sometimes I try to play with my Pen-Pal, who has an account too. most of the time I play practice games though.
How are you at chess? I am pretty good.
Do you have a Chess Kids account?

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Neopets is an online website where you can keep animals. I have a green Uni,
This is DJ_pon_3_aa  she is my fav.
a blue Eyrie, and a blue Lupe. Your only goal is to have fun! My aunt told me about it and I love it! I hope to add a yellow Flotsam, they are like narwhals. and pure adorable! Do you have a Neopets account? What are your Neopets? 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Babs Seed song

This is the song Babs Seed from My Little Pony season 3 episode 4 .

Scratch again

I have gotten a Scratch game for my desktop so now I can make Scratch games without being online
Here are some games I have made. I hope you will try them out

How to make a Game series 1 :Ball Catch

Unicorn Platform Game

Cutie Mark Capture

Moon Walk

Feed the Fish

Meet the Ponies of Ponyville

Painting Unicorn Video

These are just a few of the ones I have made. You can find more here

What one is your favorite?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pony Creator

I like to draw ponies but sometimes I like to make them on the computer.Sometimes I use paint, sometimes I use GeneralZoi's Pony Maker Full Version, other times I use Hubworld's Fabulous PonyMaker. Sometimes I use Doll Divine's MerPony Maker.
Here are some ponies I have made.
Princess Celestia
Apple Jack
Filly Twilight Sparkle
Filly Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
 Have you ever created a pony ? If so please let me see!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

My Little Pony It's What my Cutie Mark is Telling me lyrics

Here are the lyrics for It's What my Cutie Mark is Telling me,(I got the lyrics here:  It's What my Cutie Mark is Telling me)
Here you go:

Rainbow Dash
These animals don't listen, no, not one little bit
They run around out of control and throw their hissy fits
[cat hissing]
It's up to me to stop them, 'cause plainly you can see
It's got to be my destiny, and it's what my cutie mark is telling me
[blows balloon]
I try to keep them laughing, put a smile upon their face
But no matter what I try, it seems a bit of a disgrace
[blows party horn]
I have to entertain them, it's there for all to see
It's got to be my destiny, and it's what my cutie mark is telling me
          Pinkie Pie
I don't care much for pickin' fruit and plowin' fields ain't such a hoot
No matter what I try, I cannot FIX THIS BUSTED WATER CHUTE!
I've got so many chores to do, it's no fun being me
But it has to be my destiny, 'cause it's what my cutie mark is telling me
Lookie here at what I made, I think that it's a dress
I know it doesn't look like much, I'm under some distress
Could y'all give me a hand here and help me fix this mess?
My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is tellin' me
I'm in love with weather patterns, but the others have concerns
For I just gave them frostbite over top of their sunburns
I have to keep on trying, for everyone can see
It's got to be
It's got to be
Pinkie Pie
My destiny
My destiny
Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy
And it's what my cutie mark
Pinkie Pie and Applejack
It's what my cutie mark
Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack
Yes, it's what my cutie mark is telling me! 
I hope you enjoyed it!
Please let me know if you have any requests for song lyrics!

Horses Galore

I absolutely love horses! I have a lot of horse figurines, I have given most of them names a few of the newer ones are still unnamed. There are,

Loossa = an Appaloosa stallion who is leader of the bigger horses,,
Carmel = a  soft brown mare who is Loosa's wife leader of the bigger horses,
Chocolatte = a soft brown filly,
Krusher = a rearing young  black stallion,
Gypsy = a young horse with a pretty blanket,
Rose = a pure white mare with roses braided into her hair,
Artistic = a posing horse,
King = a stallion who is king of the smaller horses,
Queen = King's wife the queen of the smaller horses,
I also have some smaller unnamed horses.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

It's Raining Cats and Dogs

Where I live we have a lot of farm animals, and a LOAD of barn cats.
I have named a couple, but a few are still unnamed. There are...

Storm = a young black kitten who looks forward to morning milk,

Mist = a gray kitten who loves to attack if the others are hogging the milk,
Star = Storm's sister who is all black except for a tiny white star on her chest,
Warrior = A tough sister of Storm,
Rainbow( my little brother named him) = a plump little one who LOVES food,
Bike(my little sister named her) = a real scaredy -cat,
Stormy = Storm's mom,
Misty = Mist's mom,
and  Mittens = a stripy cat who almost always is here but when you blink, she is gone.
There are also some boy cats but I haven't tamed many of them...

There have also been some dogs here. There are...

Kaya = a Mutt who sadly died on October 31 2012,

Shadow = a stray Labrador mix who was as black as his name,
and Sandy = a stray Mutt with a slight limp. Both of these dogs are gone, hopefully to new owners.

Please tell me about your pets.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Easy Peasy HomeSchool

Easy Peasy Home School is an online free website to do school. You can take a class on just about anything there is to know for school. Here is the link to

I am taking some classes there, that is how I learned about Scratch.

What do you use for school?

Meet The "Mane" 6

The main characters in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic are...
(I give all Credit for the ponies(except Rarity) To Scratch's Pony Games 101)

Twilight Sparkle(Who recently became a princess)

Pinkie Pie(Who LOVES a good party)

Rainbow Dash(Who is the only pony in history to do a Sonic Rainboom)

AppleJack (who lives at Sweet Apple Acres)

Fluttershy(PonyVille's Veterinarian)

And, Rarity(PonyVille's Dress Maker)

Who is your favorite?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Helping Twilight Win the Crown Lyrics

 Here are the lyrics for My Little Pony Equestria Girls Helping Twilight Win the Crown
I got the lyrics here Cafeteria Song
Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity
Hey, hey, everybody
We've got something to say
We may seem as different
As the night is from day
But you look a little deeper
And you will see
That I'm just like you
And you're just like me.
Hey, hey, everybody
We're here to shout
That the magic of friendship
Is what it's all about
We thought we were different
As the night is from the day
Until Twilight Sparkle
Helped us see another way
So get up get down
If you're gonna come around
We can work together
Helping Twilight win the crown
So get up get down
'Cause it's gonna make a sound
If we work together
Helping Twilight Sparkle
Win the crown!
Pinkie Pie
Hey, hey hands up now,
We're sending a message
To the crowd
Hands wave up
Then come down
We party together
All around
Generous, honesty,
Laughter, kindness, loyalty
Twilight helped us each to see
Rainbow Dash
All that we can be!
Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity
So get up get down
If you're gonna come around
We can work together
Helping Twilight win the crown
So get up get down
'Cause it's gonna make a sound
If we work together
Helping Twilight Sparkle
Win the crown!
Twilight Sparkle
I'm gonna be myself
No matter what I do
And if we're different yeah
I want you to be true to you
If you follow me
We'll put our differences aside
We'll stick together and
Start working on that school pride!
All students
Jump up make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves turn around
Start now, make a change,
Gonna come around
Jump up make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves turn around
Canterlot Wondercolts
Help her win the crown!
Jump up make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves turn around
Start now, make a change,
Gonna come around
Jump up make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves turn around
Canterlot Wondercolts
Help her win the crown!
Jump up make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves turn around
Start now, make a change,
Gonna come around
Jump up make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves turn around
Canterlot Wondercolts
Help her win the crown! (Yeah!)
If you have a request for more My Little Pony songs, just let me know.


This is my first post on Jayme's Jumble, My topic for this post, Scratch.

Scratch is a website where you can make games and videos using "sprites.
Here is a link to Scratch

One of my favorite projects is called, Harvest Time 2 where the goal is to help the "Apple Family" gather apples for the Apple Family Reunion. The original is a game that I made called Harvest Time With AppleJack. There are other remixes too.

 With Scratch you can make a game for pretty much anything from Apples to Zebras,  and from Mario Kart to My Little Pony.

Have you ever made a game on Scratch?
(If so leave me the link.)